LatAm Network Connectors

Alumni Network Connectors

Teach For All Network Connectors – also known as Teach For All Africa Leadership Committee members in the Africa region, are volunteers from the alumni network who can help network teachers and alumni connect with peers from other Teach For All partners.


If you’re looking to connect with Teach For All network teachers and alumni in other parts of the world—whether to learn about their local context or perhaps you're visiting a new country soon— alumni Network Connectors or Teach For All Africa Leadership Committee members as they are called in the Africa region, can help you with the connection you are looking for. Use the Directory to find a Network Connector and contact them via email or LinkedIn, explaining what kind of connection you need.


Dinah is a dedicated and impact-driven educationist and advocate with a strong background in ed...

Dinah is a dedicated and impact-driven educationist and advocate with a strong background in educational leadership, youth mentorship, and policy advocacy. She is experienced in driving social

See bio
Dinah Achola
Teach For Uganda
English - English

Como conectora, o objetivo de Daniela é conectar pessoas e projetos que compartilham um propósi...

Como conectora, o objetivo de Daniela é conectar pessoas e projetos que compartilham um propósito comum: melhorar a educação e impulsionar mudanças positivas. Recentemente atuo com políticas

See bio
Daniela Acosta Brito
Ensina Brasil
Portuguese - Português

يحيى أيت باحدو من المملكة المغربية حاصل على الإجازة في الدراسات الأساسية بجامعة القاضي عياض بمر...

يحيى أيت باحدو من المملكة المغربية حاصل على الإجازة في الدراسات الأساسية بجامعة القاضي عياض بمراكش , حاصل على دبلوم مدرب المخيمات الصيفية سنة 2018 من وزارة الشباب والرياضة, حاصل على دبلوم "د"

See bio
Yahya Ait Bahddou
Teach For Morocco
Middle East & North Africa
Arabic - العربية

Experienced and passionate science teacher with a love for education. Adept at creatingscience,...

Experienced and passionate science teacher with a love for education. Adept at creatingscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) lessons that meet educationrequirements and

See bio
Aisha Al - Tamimi
Teach For Qatar
Middle East & North Africa
Arabic - العربية

I am Paula Amaro, a teacher who has recently embraced the field of educational project manageme...

I am Paula Amaro, a teacher who has recently embraced the field of educational project management. My passion lies in building bridges between educators, institutions, and communities to foster

See bio
Paula Amaro Vargas
Empieza por Educar
Spanish - Español
English - English
Catalan - Català

Mary Ameh is a Teach For Nigeria alumna dedicated to sustainable agriculture, community engagem...

Mary Ameh is a Teach For Nigeria alumna dedicated to sustainable agriculture, community engagement, and learning and development programs. Passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals, she

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Mary Ameh
Teach For Nigeria
English - English

Erika Andrade es docente de profesión, y se formé en las ciencias sociales que le permitieron p...

Erika Andrade es docente de profesión, y se formé en las ciencias sociales que le permitieron perfilarse desde una mirada humanista y filantrópica. Comprometida con el desarrollo juvenil y la

See bio
Erika Andrade
Enseña Ecuador
Spanish - Español
English - English

I am an accomplished education professional with a strong background in teaching and program ma...

I am an accomplished education professional with a strong background in teaching and program management. As an alumnus of Teach for Pakistan and the Leading from Lived Experience Fellowship by

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Saeed Anjum
Teach For Pakistan
Asia Pacific
English - English
Urdu - اردو
Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
Chinese (Simplified) - 中文 (简体)

I am a passionate and results-driven development leader with over 9 years of experience in educ...

I am a passionate and results-driven development leader with over 9 years of experience in education and community development. I specialize in program management, team leadership, and strategic

See bio
Mehnaz Aziz
Teach For Bangladesh
Asia Pacific
English - English

Luis Ángel Barrios Yaya, docente por vocación y amor, pedagogo social. Trabaja como docente del...

Luis Ángel Barrios Yaya, docente por vocación y amor, pedagogo social. Trabaja como docente del sector público en Colombia, impartiendo el área de ciencias naturales y educación ambiental. Es

See bio
Luis Angel Barrios Yaya
Enseña por Colombia
Spanish - Español

Claudia Bellido es educadora, dedicada a crear experiencias de aprendizaje significativas y rel...

Claudia Bellido es educadora, dedicada a crear experiencias de aprendizaje significativas y relevantes, ha tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con estudiantes de diversas edades y orígenes en

See bio
Claudia Betzabeth Bellido Sullca
Enseña Perú
Spanish - Español
English - English

I am a dedicated school leader with an MPhil in STEAM Education from Kathmandu University. My j...

I am a dedicated school leader with an MPhil in STEAM Education from Kathmandu University. My journey in education began as a Teach For Nepal fellow from 2018 to 2020, where I developed a passion

See bio
Bina Bhattarai
Teach For Nepal
Asia Pacific
English - English
Nepali - नेपाली

I am Doney, 2017 Teach For India fellow, As an Operations and Government Relations Manager mana...

I am Doney, 2017 Teach For India fellow, As an Operations and Government Relations Manager managing Akanksha schools, my role is to ensure seamless school operations while strengthening

See bio
Doney Biju
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English
Malayalam - മലയാളം
Hindi - हिन्दी
Marathi - मराठी

Patricia is a Primary and Special Education Teacher with a Master’s in Innovation in Social and...

Patricia is a Primary and Special Education Teacher with a Master’s in Innovation in Social and Educational Intervention. She has experience working in schools and NGOs, providing her with a

See bio
Patricia Bocanegra
Empieza por Educar
Spanish - Español
English - English

I am an experienced humanitarian professional with over a decade of expertise managing educatio...

I am an experienced humanitarian professional with over a decade of expertise managing education and psychosocial support programs in complex and challenging environments. Since 2019, my work has

See bio
Reem Bou Shaheen
Teach For Lebanon
Middle East & North Africa
English - English
Arabic - العربية

Laura es alumni de Enseña por Argentina y se ha desempeñado como docente y formadora en distint...

Laura es alumni de Enseña por Argentina y se ha desempeñado como docente y formadora en distintos espacios educativos, combinando su experiencia en nutrición, salud y educación con metodologías

See bio
Laura Brusco
Enseñá por Argentina
English - English
Spanish - Español

Carla is convinced that education is the driving force of social change. For this reason, she d...

Carla is convinced that education is the driving force of social change. For this reason, she dedicates her work to strengthening community leadership and promoting social action through

See bio
Carla Carmona
Empieza por Educar
English - English
Spanish - Español

Fiona is a Teach First alumna who completed the programme in the UK from 2022-2024; however, sh...

Fiona is a Teach First alumna who completed the programme in the UK from 2022-2024; however, she originally entered the education sector in 2019 when she relocated to Brazil. From 2019-2022

See bio
Fiona Carrigan
Teach First
English - English
Portuguese - Português

Etienne is an alumni of the 2020 Teach for France cohort. As a graduate from the University of ...

Etienne is an alumni of the 2020 Teach for France cohort. As a graduate from the University of California he naturally chose English as a subject. He spent 4 years teaching English in secondary

See bio
Etienne Castel
Le Choix de l'école
English - English
French - Français
German - Deutsch

I am an alum of Teach For Liberia, and I am very passionate about Digital Literacy as I believe...

I am an alum of Teach For Liberia, and I am very passionate about Digital Literacy as I believe it helps create employment and challenges students' creativity to a certain extent. I currently

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Daniel B.T Darh
Teach For Liberia
English - English

I pursued a degree in International Relations driven by a passion for understanding the politic...

I pursued a degree in International Relations driven by a passion for understanding the political, economic, and social systems shaping the world. But it was through my experience teaching with

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Estefanía Decia
Enseña Uruguay
English - English
Spanish - Español

A Valeria le interesa crear conexiones con maestros y estudiantes de diversos contextos y diver...

A Valeria le interesa crear conexiones con maestros y estudiantes de diversos contextos y diversas culturas. Disfruta aprender y ser parte de las comunidades. Siendo profesional de Enseña por

See bio
Itzayana Valeria Delgado Ariza
Enseña por México
Spanish - Español
English - English

Cire Diallo à bénéficier du bourse de Teach For Sénégal entre 2022-2024. Je suis un jeune leade...

Cire Diallo à bénéficier du bourse de Teach For Sénégal entre 2022-2024. Je suis un jeune leader dévoué à l'éducation des enfants car ils sont les moteurs du développement humain.  après ma

See bio
Ciré Diallo
Teach For Senegal
French - Français

I am Merlin, school leader at Akanksha Foundation, committed to fostering excellence in educati...

I am Merlin, school leader at Akanksha Foundation, committed to fostering excellence in education. Previously, I served as a program manager at Teach for India and was a Teach For India 2020

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Merlin Elias
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English
Malayalam - മലയാളം
Hindi - हिन्दी
Marathi - मराठी

Aldara's journey in education has been driven by a deep commitment to creating social impact an...

Aldara's journey in education has been driven by a deep commitment to creating social impact and the belief that meaningful connections can transform communities. Throughout her experience, she

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Aldara Falcó de la Cierva
Empieza por Educar
English - English
Spanish - Español
French - Français
German - Deutsch

Baiana, formada em relações internacionais pela Universidade de Brasília, licenciada e mestrand...

Baiana, formada em relações internacionais pela Universidade de Brasília, licenciada e mestranda em Educação Sexual pela Unesp, tem ampla experiência em educação e empreendedorismo. Foi

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Sofia Fernandes
Ensina Brasil
Portuguese - Português
English - English

Es alumni de Enseña Chile. Durante sus dos años en el programa, trabajó en el desarrollo del li...

Es alumni de Enseña Chile. Durante sus dos años en el programa, trabajó en el desarrollo del liderazgo de sus estudiantes a través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos, colaborando con

See bio
Gabriela Fernandez
Enseña Chile
Spanish - Español
English - English
Portuguese - Português

Matilde es Comunicadora Social y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Lengua y...

Matilde es Comunicadora Social y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Lengua y Literatura. Tiene experiencia en periodismo y educación, ámbitos en los que ha canalizado su

See bio
Matilde Flores
Enseña Ecuador
Spanish - Español
French - Français

Rachael is a Teach For Malaysia 2014 alumnus. She is the CEO of MYReaders, an organisation prov...

Rachael is a Teach For Malaysia 2014 alumnus. She is the CEO of MYReaders, an organisation providing structured and sustainable reading resources and programmes to schools and communities

See bio
Rachael Francis
Teach For Malaysia
Asia Pacific
English - English
Malay - Bahasa Melayu

César es un apasionado del liderazgo y la educación, comprometido con transformar el aprendizaj...

César es un apasionado del liderazgo y la educación, comprometido con transformar el aprendizaje mediante el uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Como profesor especializado

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Cesar Ariel Gonzales Paz
Enseña por Bolivia
English - English
Spanish - Español

Regina es Alumni de Enseña Chile y Licenciada en Letras Hispánicas. Es una persona sociable, en...

Regina es Alumni de Enseña Chile y Licenciada en Letras Hispánicas. Es una persona sociable, enfocada y perseverante. Durante sus dos años en el programa de Enseña se enfocó en fortalecer el área

See bio
Regina González
Enseña Chile
English - English
Spanish - Español

I hold a Master’s degree in Leadership and Management in Education (2023) and a Bachelor’s degr...

I hold a Master’s degree in Leadership and Management in Education (2023) and a Bachelor’s degree with a teaching diploma in Elementary Education (2018) from the Lebanese American University. As

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Dina Ibrahim
Teach For Lebanon
Middle East & North Africa
English - English
Arabic - العربية

Tahiya Islam is the Country Manager at HerWILL Bangladesh, a subsidiary of the HerWILL non-prof...

Tahiya Islam is the Country Manager at HerWILL Bangladesh, a subsidiary of the HerWILL non-profit based in Atlanta, USA, dedicated to providing global STEM opportunities and fostering future tech

See bio
Tahiya Islam
Teach For Bangladesh
Asia Pacific
English - English

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." I deeply believe in th...

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." I deeply believe in this philosophy by Aristotle, which continues to shape my professional journey as an educator. Hello

See bio
Abhilasha Iyer
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English
Hindi - हिन्दी
Marathi - मराठी
Tamil - தமிழ்

Ayesha is a 2019 Teach For Pakistan Alumna. She is the founder of LessonUP Learning Lab - a com...

Ayesha is a 2019 Teach For Pakistan Alumna. She is the founder of LessonUP Learning Lab - a community sace that supports community members and parents in creating safe ecosystems for children to

See bio
Ayesha Jamshaid
Teach For Pakistan
Asia Pacific
English - English

My name is Rumbidzai J. Jengwa, I have a Bachelors honors degree in Accounting, Post grad Diplo...

My name is Rumbidzai J. Jengwa, I have a Bachelors honors degree in Accounting, Post grad Diploma in Education and Diploma in Ministry. I am a first cohort alumni, and currently working in

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Rumbidzai Jengwa
Teach For Zimbabwe
English - English

I am a dedicated professional with a strong background in education, renewable energy, and sust...

I am a dedicated professional with a strong background in education, renewable energy, and sustainable development. As a Program Officer with The Energy Nexus Network (TENN) in Sierra Leone, I

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Patrick Mohamed Kamara
Teach For Sierra Leone
English - English

I have always been a constant learner. During the pandemic, while working my hectic full-time P...

I have always been a constant learner. During the pandemic, while working my hectic full-time PR job I realised that I wanted to be a part of something that causes a larger change. With that in

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Anagha Kannan
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English
Hindi - हिन्दी
Marathi - मराठी
Tamil - தமிழ்

Betelhem Getahun is a passionate educator and leadership coach dedicated to transforming the ed...

Betelhem Getahun is a passionate educator and leadership coach dedicated to transforming the educational landscape in Ethiopia. With a strong foundation in teaching, she is an alumna of Teach For

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Betelham Kassie
Teach For Ethiopia
English - English

With a background in International Relations, and Higher Education Management and Development, ...

With a background in International Relations, and Higher Education Management and Development, I am passionate about empowering young leaders and creating meaningful connections to drive change

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Kalin Kim
Teach For Cambodia
Asia Pacific
English - English
Khmer - ខ្មែរ

Haruka is originally from Fukushima and developed his interest in the international community i...

Haruka is originally from Fukushima and developed his interest in the international community in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. As a member of the first cohort of the TOMODACHI

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Haruka Kurosawa
Teach For Japan
Asia Pacific
English - English
Japanese - 日本語

I am currently working with Teach For Malaysia in the Design & Training team, specifically ...

I am currently working with Teach For Malaysia in the Design & Training team, specifically to upskill in service teachers in a STEM programme where we aim to enhance teacher capacity to build

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Jason Liew
Teach For Malaysia
Asia Pacific
English - English
Malay - Bahasa Melayu

A 2019 fellow who is committed to sustainable community development through educating youths.In...

A 2019 fellow who is committed to sustainable community development through educating youths.Interested in multiculturalism and multilingualism? That's us Malaysians. Our team is also experienced

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Wen Xin Lim
Teach For Malaysia
Asia Pacific
English - English
Chinese (Simplified) - 中文 (简体)
Spanish - Español

Nayin es apasionada por acompañar a jovenes y profesionales a desarrollar su liderazgo dentro l...

Nayin es apasionada por acompañar a jovenes y profesionales a desarrollar su liderazgo dentro los espacios educativos que habiten. Junto alumni de Enseña por Argentina están comenzando un

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Nayin Lucena
Enseñá por Argentina
Spanish - Español

As a 2015 Teach For Austria alumna, I am passionate about educational robotics, the UN Sustaina...

As a 2015 Teach For Austria alumna, I am passionate about educational robotics, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and augmented reality in learning. Through my own company InnovationsMacherIN

See bio
Sonja Macher
Teach For Austria
German - Deutsch
English - English
Spanish - Español

Julio is a polymath professional, who began his teaching career in 2010, in the official educat...

Julio is a polymath professional, who began his teaching career in 2010, in the official education system in Panama. In 2022 he entered the Enseña Por Panama program, then became an alumni. Julio

See bio
Julio Martínez
Enseña por Panamá
English - English
Spanish - Español

My name is Brian Mathonsi I have a bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences, Post Graduate C...

My name is Brian Mathonsi I have a bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences, Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a Bachelor of Education honours. With over eight years of experience

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Brian Mathonsi
Teach The Nation
English - English

Professionally, I’m an English Language educator and certified trainer, proudly rooted in my ex...

Professionally, I’m an English Language educator and certified trainer, proudly rooted in my experiences as an alumni of Teach For Lebanon. What I love most about this world is the incredible

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Mira Mazloum
Teach For Lebanon
Middle East & North Africa
Arabic - العربية
English - English

Laura Vanessa Medina Perdomo, es Ingeniera Mecatrónica egresada de la Universidad CORHUILA, doc...

Laura Vanessa Medina Perdomo, es Ingeniera Mecatrónica egresada de la Universidad CORHUILA, docente de Tecnología e Informática en el sector privado de Colombia y Perú e investigadora en

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Laura Medina Perdomo
Enseña por Colombia
Spanish - Español

Renata es ingeniera industrial con más de diez años de experiencia en el diseño y ejecución de ...

Renata es ingeniera industrial con más de diez años de experiencia en el diseño y ejecución de proyectos educativos y sociales en diversas regiones del Perú. Su enfoque se centra en la

See bio
Renata Miranda
Enseña Perú
English - English
Spanish - Español

I'm Matiullah Mohammadi, a fellow of teach for Afghanistan in 2017, now I work as finnace worke...

I'm Matiullah Mohammadi, a fellow of teach for Afghanistan in 2017, now I work as finnace worker with an organisation and serviced as English language teacher with English for all in addition

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Matiullah Mohammadi
Teach For Afghanistan
Asia Pacific
English - English
Pashto - پښتو
Dari - دری

I'm Charity a holder of BSc Honours In Psychology, Post Graduate in Education, Msc in Human Res...

I'm Charity a holder of BSc Honours In Psychology, Post Graduate in Education, Msc in Human Resources Management also a registered IPMZ member. I joined Teach For Zimbabwe in 2021 and finished my

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Charity Mutete
Teach For Zimbabwe
English - English

After graduating from university, Sofi had the opportunity to work with various NGOs, internati...

After graduating from university, Sofi had the opportunity to work with various NGOs, international projects, and schools. In 2018, she worked at a school as part of the “Leadership through

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Sofi Nersisyan
Teach For Armenia
English - English
Armenian - հայերեն

I’m working at a Study Abroad Consulting Company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where I help hig...

I’m working at a Study Abroad Consulting Company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where I help high school students choose the right schools in the U.S., explore scholarship opportunities, and

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Van Thau Nguyen
Teach For Viet Nam
Asia Pacific
English - English
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt

Babatunde "Babs" Ogundimu is a passionate education advocate, experienced mentor, and dynamic p...

Babatunde "Babs" Ogundimu is a passionate education advocate, experienced mentor, and dynamic professional with over a decade of leadership experience in learning and development, operations

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Babatunde Ogundimu
Teach For Nigeria
English - English

I am a lead teacher in a private school in Japan, in charge of LXD, introducing STEAM and PBL. ...

I am a lead teacher in a private school in Japan, in charge of LXD, introducing STEAM and PBL. I can share information about them and connect you to people familiar with the field.  Preferred

See bio
Hiroshi Osamura
Teach For Japan
Asia Pacific
English - English
Japanese - 日本語

Daniel Patiwa joined the Teach For Sierra Leone Fellowship in 2021, bringing passion and dedica...

Daniel Patiwa joined the Teach For Sierra Leone Fellowship in 2021, bringing passion and dedication to the mission of educational equity. After successfully completing the fellowship, Daniel

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Daniel Patiwa
Teach For Sierra Leone
English - English

Currently a Lead Teacher at Kidspire Viet Nam, I am working closely with the Kidspire Board of ...

Currently a Lead Teacher at Kidspire Viet Nam, I am working closely with the Kidspire Board of Directors to provide a comprehensive educational program, focusing on STEM as the backbone, that

See bio
Duc Anh Pham Nguyen
Teach For Viet Nam
Asia Pacific
English - English
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt

Claudia es alumni de Enseña Uruguay y de nacionalidad mexicana. Tiene más de 20 años de experie...

Claudia es alumni de Enseña Uruguay y de nacionalidad mexicana. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en educación formal a nivel universitario y está comprometida con la reducción de la brecha

See bio
Claudia Prieto Soriano
Enseña Uruguay
Spanish - Español

Nathalie es Filósofa de formación carrera que la llevó a descubrir su pasión por la educación y...

Nathalie es Filósofa de formación carrera que la llevó a descubrir su pasión por la educación y la enseñanza. Es profesora de nivel secundario en el campo de Cosmos y Pensamiento desempeñando mi

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Nathalie Isabel Quiroga Samaniego
Enseña por Bolivia
Spanish - Español

Ashrina Ranjit is a passionate development enthusiast with a robust background in education and...

Ashrina Ranjit is a passionate development enthusiast with a robust background in education and youth empowerment. With over 8 years of experience fostering collaborative relationships, Ashrina's

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Ashrina Ranjit
Teach For Nepal
Asia Pacific
English - English
Nepali - नेपाली

Enseña por México PEM 2021 Flor de Lyz Sánchez genera espacios seguros y auténticos dentro de s...

Enseña por México PEM 2021 Flor de Lyz Sánchez genera espacios seguros y auténticos dentro de sus comunidades, crea conexiones genuinas desde la empatía y acompaña con amor y valores robustos

See bio
Flor de Lyz Sánchez Espinoza
Enseña por México
Spanish - Español

Secret holds a bachelors degree in Arts with Education from Kyambogo university, Kampala Uganda...

Secret holds a bachelors degree in Arts with Education from Kyambogo university, Kampala Uganda. She joined the Teach For Uganda fellowship in 2022 where her passion for Girl child education and

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Akampa Secret
Teach For Uganda
English - English

Tom is a 2017 Teach First (UK) Ambassador, currently leading a Bill team at the UK's Department...

Tom is a 2017 Teach First (UK) Ambassador, currently leading a Bill team at the UK's Department for Education. He originally taught in a primary school and was a middle leader, leading Science

See bio
Tom Seddon
Teach First
English - English

I'm an engineer and entrepreneur turned teacher through the Teach For India Fellowship. I worke...

I'm an engineer and entrepreneur turned teacher through the Teach For India Fellowship. I worked with the school education department of the State to set up and strengthen their Education MIS

See bio
Arun Maruthi Selvan
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English
Tamil - தமிழ்
Hindi - हिन्दी
Malayalam - മലയാളം

I am a lawyer by education and a teacher by heart. I have worked as a Teach For India fellow fr...

I am a lawyer by education and a teacher by heart. I have worked as a Teach For India fellow from 2013 to 2015. Since then I have worked as a Program Manager for three years and then as City

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Apoorv Shah
Teach For India
Asia Pacific
English - English

My name is Jigme Sherpa. I am Head of Admissions and Enrichment at Trinity International SS and...

My name is Jigme Sherpa. I am Head of Admissions and Enrichment at Trinity International SS and College. I am also freelance consultant working with Dignified Menstruation and After School

See bio
Jigme Sherpa
Teach For Nepal
Asia Pacific
English - English
Hindi - हिन्दी
Nepali - नेपाली

Carlyn is an interdisciplinary professional who started an official journey in education as a f...

Carlyn is an interdisciplinary professional who started an official journey in education as a fellow of Enseña por Panama in 2019.  Since then she has been teaching English in elementary high

See bio
Carlyn Smith
Enseña por Panamá
English - English
Spanish - Español

Oluwatobi is a visionary educator and the Founder of DELIC (Digital Education in Low-Income Com...

Oluwatobi is a visionary educator and the Founder of DELIC (Digital Education in Low-Income Communities), dedicated to helping children bridge learning gaps and develop essential 21st-century

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Oluwatobi Sonde
Teach For Nigeria
English - English

أمين اتباتو حاصل على شهادة البكالوريا تخصص علوم إنسانية سنة 2016، وشهادة الإجازة الأساسية في ال...

أمين اتباتو حاصل على شهادة البكالوريا تخصص علوم إنسانية سنة 2016، وشهادة الإجازة الأساسية في الفلسفة العامة سنة 2021.خاض تدريبًا في مدرسة خاصة بالمستوى الابتدائي لمدة موسم دراسي.انضم إلى منظمة

See bio
Amine Tbatou
Teach For Morocco
Middle East & North Africa
Arabic - العربية

Emma is a 2011 Teach First alumna and taught at an East London primary school. Now a Developmen...

Emma is a 2011 Teach First alumna and taught at an East London primary school. Now a Development Lead at Teach First, Emma is responsible for developing the pedagogical and leadership skills of

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Emma Van Vulpen
Teach First
English - English

I’m a passionate learner, lover, and listener. I started teaching out of love for children, art...

I’m a passionate learner, lover, and listener. I started teaching out of love for children, art, and a dream of living in a small town.  Over the past 10 years, I’ve been working in education

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Elzytė Vareikytė
Renkuosi Mokyti!
English - English
Lithuanian - Lietuvių

Curtis is an alumni of Teach for Kenya, having finished his fellowship journey in 2024. With an...

Curtis is an alumni of Teach for Kenya, having finished his fellowship journey in 2024. With an academic foundation in Statistics and Data Analysis, he brings analytical rigor to his leadership

See bio
Paul Curtis Wambani
Teach For Kenya
English - English

Sochetra is an alumna of Teach For Cambodia from cohort 2020 with a Master's Degree of educatio...

Sochetra is an alumna of Teach For Cambodia from cohort 2020 with a Master's Degree of education in Curriculum and Instruction, and Bachelor's Degree in Teaching English. He has taught English

See bio
Sochetra Yean
Teach For Cambodia
Asia Pacific
English - English
Khmer - ខ្មែរ