Dinah Achola

Dinah Achola

Teach For Uganda
Network Connector Since:

Dinah is a dedicated and impact-driven educationist and advocate with a strong background in educational leadership, youth mentorship, and policy advocacy. She is experienced in driving social change initiatives focused on education, governance, technology, and youth leadership and she is currently building The Education Emergency Fund Project- TEEF-P to strengthen communities to be resilient against minor emergencies that directly affect education and learning transition rates in Africa. 

Dinah is heavily invested in strengthening networks and providing an avenue where individuals, organisations and entities can benefit from the resources, potential, knowledge and opportunities available within our diverse circles. It is against this background that Dinah is serving as an Africa Leadership Committee member having completed the two-year fellowship at Teach For Uganda where she harnessed her leadership skills and emerged as the valedictorian of the Third cohort in 2022.

Preferred Communication: LinkedIn, or Email

Language: English

Areas of Interest
Minor Emergencies in Education, Policy, Bold Leadership, Governance, Advocay, Education Technology, Mentorship.