Teach For Liberia Joins Our Global Network
We’re thrilled to welcome Teach For Liberia to Teach For All as our 52nd network partner. Teach For Liberia is working to address its country’s educational crisis by enlisting Liberia’s promising young leaders to ensure that all Liberian children can attain an excellent education. Committed to building a movement of champions who believe that Liberia’s potential is far greater than its present challenges, Teach For Liberia is an active member of the local Education NGO Forum and is aligned with the Ministry of Education’s “Getting to Best Strategy,” with a primary focus on teacher professionalization, accreditation, and ongoing professional development.
An extended civil conflict and an Ebola outbreak in 2013 have significantly impacted Liberia’s education sector and, despite substantial progress since the end of the conflict, the country is substantially behind most other African nations in nearly all education statistics. Liberia has one of the world's highest levels of out-of-school children, with an estimated 15-20% of 6 to 14-year-olds who are not receiving an education. Just over a third of pre-schoolers have access to early childhood learning programs and only 54% of children complete primary education. A General Auditing Commission report on the management of public education in Liberia found that over half of Liberian teachers had not obtained the required credentials to teach. Teach For Liberia believes that this education crisis is Liberia’s most critical problem and addressing it requires mobilizing the country’s most capable leaders.
Teach For Liberia is working towards the goal of reaching nearly 125,000 Liberian children by 2025 and greatly improving their life prospects through placing over 700 high quality teachers in 90 schools. The organization has already recruited and placed its first cohort of Teacher Fellows who teach in high-need schools in underserved communities in Bomi and Montserrado counties. By 2020, they aim to expand their reach and place a second cohort of 40 Teacher Fellows in Bomi, Montserrado, Margibi, and Grand Bassa counties. To foster positive learning environments for all students, Teach For Liberia will also provide mentorship and in-service training for an additional 2,000 current teachers who presently receive little to no professional development to improve their teaching practice.
We look forward to learning from and with Teach For Liberia and the communities in which its Teacher Fellows and future alumni work.
Learn more about Teach For All's newest partner and follow Teach For Liberia on Twitter and Facebook.