A Conversation With David Brooks About Community-Level Impact

In January, Kaya Henderson, Head of Teach For All's Global Learning Lab for Community Impact, sat down with New York Times columnist David Brooks to discuss his new initiative, Weave: The Social Fabric Project. The conversation was the first in a series of discussions that will be hosted by the Global Learning Lab for Community Impact throughout the year to bring attention to promising practices, interesting ideas, and leading experts in areas relevant to community engagement and impact.
Working with the Aspen Institute, David Brooks brings attention to issues of isolation, alienation, and division in the United States and identifies efforts that communities are taking to address these symptoms of social fragmentation. Through Weave, Brooks is striving to build a movement to reverse America's lost sense of community—and providing many examples of community impact from which we can learn.
Watch the video above for excerpts from the conversation, and sign up for the Community Impact Lab's mailing list for information about future discussions.