Akansha Shrivastava
Akansha Shrivastava
Akansha Shrivastava is a former Teach For India Fellow from the 2019 cohort who taught high school children in a low-income private school and later joined Teach For India as an Alumni Manager. She is a Computer Science graduate who knows basic Mandarin and worked in the Information Technology sector for almost 2 years before doing her fellowship and eventually becoming an Alumni Manager. She always had a strong inclination toward solving socio-economic issues through education therefore she continued as a TFI Staff member to guide/help and empower others working in this field. She is currently working as a Social Entrepreneur for an organization working on providing foundational literacy and numeracy. She is passionate about solving complex problems around education and development. Areas of Interest Relevant Education, Data/Research for Social Good, EdTech, Foundational Literacy & Numeracy, Teacher training and Climate Education
Preferred Communication: LinkedIn
Language: English