Family, school, and community engagement encompasses how families, educators, and community groups work together to promote student learning and development and support schools to thrive.
In this workshop series, we will explore research and tools to build stronger family, school, and community partnerships. We will dive deep into how to measure and foster relational trust between schools and communities. In the second session, we will explore tried and tested global strategies and case studies, and design our own strategy that will lay a foundation for building relational trust and strong, equitable, and inclusive partnerships in our context.
Open to teachers, school leaders, community and organization representatives, researchers, policymakers, and family-facing and student groups.
This series includes two 120-minute sessions on Zoom on March 5th & 12th 12:30 - 2:30pm GMT.
Register here.
This series will be held in English with the option for you to request translation and/or interpretation in additional languages.
Family, school, and community engagement encompasses how families, educators, and community groups work together to promote student learning and development and support schools to thrive.In this workshop series, we will explore research and tools to build…